
About HCC

Hill Country Church exists to help people become followers of Jesus by loving God, loving each other, and serving the world.


Sunday Services

We have two Sunday morning worship services, the first at 9.00am and the second at 10.45am, with a coffee and fellowship time between services in Hierholzer Hall. On Easter Sunday there is an additional service at 7.15am.

Our worship services are a blend of the contemporary and the traditional. We proclaim Christ's completed work on the cross each week through participating in songs, prayers, communion, Scripture reading & expository preaching.

Children's classes are offered during each service, children are also welcome in our main service. There are also adult classes concurrent with each service. These are great ways to meet others in a smaller group setting and enjoy a time of discussion.


Worship Music

Here is a Spotify playlist of some of the music that we sing on Sunday mornings. You can also visit our YouTube channel and watch some of our past services.


What We Believe

We are a biblically conservative, Christ-centered congregation affiliated with the Evangelical Free Church of America, which is devoted to evangelism, discipleship, and missions worldwide. It is “evangelical” in the sense that it is committed to the proclamation of the saving gospel of Jesus Christ and to the authority of the Bible as the inerrant word of God. It is “free” in the sense that it emphasizes the autonomy of the local church in governing its own affairs under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We exist to help people become followers of Jesus by loving God, loving each other and serving the world.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us.

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