
Broken For A Reason

Broken For A Reason

    Aug 11, 2024

    Passage: Psalms 51:1-19

    Preacher: Rob Holster

    Series: Summer in the Psalms


    What does it mean to be broken? I think most of us understand the feeling––when we are humbled or discouraged or defeated––and it's a really hard place to be. But could it be a good place? God's Word teaches us that "for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose." (Rom. 8:28) This is a hard statement, but one that is ultimately true––and we should embrace it. The hard times––the brokenness––is what leads us back to God. We are broken for a reason and the reason is good. God wants us to return to him––even when we stray. He's always there––like the father in the parable of the prodigal son––waiting to have fellowship with us. Like the son in that story, sometimes it takes our brokenness to bring us back together. David knew brokenness––and thankfully he knew God, too. So when he found himself broken and ashamed he turned back to the Lord in repentance. And there he found mercy and restoration and joy.


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