
Expect Opposition

Expect Opposition

Sep 15, 2024

Passage: Matthew 10:16-25

Preacher: Rob Holster

Series: Gospel of the Kingdom


How do you handle conflict? Some people love it––they thrive on it. Others––most people, if I were to guess––avoid it at all costs. No matter the case, following Jesus will cause conflict. Those who avoid conflict don't like this aspect, and those who thrive on conflict don't always understand the nature of it. They're ready to fight––and to win. Our passage in Matthew this week is a continuation of Jesus commissioning the Apostles–-and by extension, us––for gospel work. Last week we read about him charging the twelve with a mission to the "lost sheep of Israel." They were to deliver a message: "The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand." They were given power and authority to do all that Jesus had been doing––healing the sick, raising the dead, cleansing the lepers, and driving out demons. They were also charged with relying on God completely for their provisions. They were to take no bag, no money, no extras. Our mission and message is similar, but different. Our power and provision is similar, but different––and I talked about that last Sunday. This Sunday we'll look Jesus' additional words to the twelve––for when they went beyond the lost sheep of Israel––and they would go to the Gentiles––and to kings and rulers––and they would face opposition. These words were definitely for them, but they're also for us. We need to know what Jesus has to say in Matthew 10. He says there will be conflict––unavoidable conflict––for those who follow Him and carry the gospel message. It might get really bad. So how do we handle that? How does a conflict avoider or a conflict seeker handle the opposition that comes with gospel work?


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