
He Had Compassion For Them

He Had Compassion For Them

Jun 16, 2024

Passage: Matthew 9:27-38

Preacher: Rob Holster

Series: Gospel of the Kingdom


Jesus' life was filled with interruptions. While he was teaching, a man came up to him whose daughter was dying and he needed Jesus to drop everything to come and lay hands on the child. Then maybe she would be healed. When he was on the way over to deal with that, he was interrupted again by a woman who had the same issue for 12 years. It was a humiliating problem––and one that caused her to be rejected by most people––but she chose that day to come to Jesus. She simply touched the fringe of his robe and she was healed. Jesus turned around and blessed her––taking the time to encourage her in her faith. And then again when he arrived at the man's house, he was greeted with the news that the little girl was already dead––it was too late. And there were mourners there crying and singing dirges and laughing at Jesus for suggesting that the girl wasn't dead, but sleeping. But Jesus was right––which he always is. And it wasn't too late––it's never too late for him to enter into our lives and change us. So we're going to see him getting interrupted a couple more times as we finish Matthew 9. He's always getting interrupted. And yet He has time. It's we who think we don't have time for Him. It's we who struggle with interruptions to our lives––because we want our plans to work out––our dreams to be fulfilled––we want our way. Sometimes without thinking of His way––or the bigger picture. So we'll see more interruptions, but we'll also land on what drove Jesus to heal broken people. He had compassion for them. In the same way we need to develop compassion for others. We think about ourselves a lot. As I said before, we want to get our way, we want our plans to work out. We wish other people would think about us, and our desires and our problems––and that they wouldn't interrupt our lives. Jesus modeled a different way and it was rooted in compassion––seeing others––and their need––from a different perspective.


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