
Hope In Dark Places

Hope In Dark Places

Jul 14, 2024

Passage: Psalms 42:1-11

Preacher: Rob Holster

Series: Summer in the Psalms


Last time we covered perhaps the most famous of the Psalms––Psalm 23. In it we saw this beautiful walk with the Good Shepherd––it is the right perspective on life with Christ. He walks with us through the good times and the bad––always providing for and encouraging us. Even in the dark places––even in the valley of the shadow of death––as David calls it. We go through those places from time to time––even when we're walking with Jesus. They are part of the journey. And it's so easy to forget the words of Psalm 23 when we're in those places. One thing I like about the Psalms is the honesty contained in them. Life is not always happy––we go through dark times. In those times we cry out to God and ask "Why?" or "When will this end and good times return?" Psalm 42 is one of those honest Psalms. It's a song about someone who's going through one of those dark places. He's being honest about his feelings and his circumstances. And yet he knows the God is his hope. So he wills himself to remember Him and praise Him and trust in Him.


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