
How To Pray

How To Pray

Feb 04, 2024

Passage: Matthew 6:5-15

Preacher: Rob Holster

Series: Gospel of the Kingdom


How's your prayer life? That's a question we get asked from time to time––and even when someone's not asking, we're thinking about it––at least I hope we are. Prayer is our connection with God, and how wonderful it is that we can go directly to our Father in heaven with our requests. But oftentimes we're not happy with our prayer life. God seems distant, or we're distracted, or we feel like we're doing it wrong. Wouldn't it be nice if we had some instruction? How are we supposed to pray? I mean, we know it's important, but we're still not sure of how to approach God and interact with Him. Thankfully, in the most famous sermon ever delivered––The Sermon on the Mount––Jesus gives us the most famous prayer ever prayed. It's often called The Lord's Prayer but it's not really his prayer, instead it's a template for us. It is the direct answer to the question, "How do I pray?"


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