
In The Crucible Of Adversity

In The Crucible Of Adversity

Jul 21, 2024

Passage: Psalms 46:1-11

Preacher: Rob Holster

Series: Summer in the Psalms


Some people say they like old hymns. But how old are we talking? 100 years old? We're going to look at a really old hymn––written almost 500 years ago by Martin Luther––the great German reformer. Our Summer in the Psalms series brings us to Psalm 46 this week––which is the basis for A Mighty Fortress Is Our God, written by Luther in 1527. Now, that's a really old hymn. But again, it was based on an even older song written by the Sons of Korah, who I mentioned last week. They were like the worship leaders way back in the day. Luther wrote A Mighty Fortress during a very difficult time in his life. It has been said that he found himself in the crucible of adversity. He was in a really dark place. He was prone to that kind of deep depression. This Psalm gave him hope in the night. We find ourselves in the same place from time to time––in the dark places. This Psalm will help us, too. We need to be reminded––as Luther was––that God is our refuge. He is our shelter from the storm. He is our peace when chaos surrounds us.


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