
Our Highest Priority

Our Highest Priority

Aug 25, 2024

Passage: Psalms 63:1-11

Preacher: Rob Holster

Series: Summer in the Psalms


What is our highest priority? For a Christian, I mean. What should we put at the top of the list when we're ordering our lives? I know what the Sunday School answer is: Jesus. And of course, that would be right. But what does that look like in a life lived with the right priorities? In Psalm 63, which we'll cover this Sunday, David shows us where his priorities were. He was not a perfect man––but no matter what was going on in his life––good or bad––he was determined to keep God at the center and his priorities revolved around desiring God, delighting in God, and allowing God to defend him––knowing that the battle belongs to the Lord. It's important that keep our priorities right, too. Bad things are going to happen to us. We're going to face trials of various kinds. Blessings will come, too. Our circumstances are always changing, but in all of that, how do we find peace and hope and joy? It's in making sure that our highest priority is God and our relationship with Him.


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