
Our Way Or His Way?

Our Way Or His Way?

Sep 01, 2024

Passage: Psalms 1:1-6

Preacher: Rob Holster

Series: Summer in the Psalms


It's Labor Day weekend and for many that means getting in the car and going somewhere. For some it's a weekend at the lake, for others it's going to a football game, or maybe it's a family gathering. Whatever the event, it's always wise to know something about the way. Which road do you need to take? Which way does it lead? What are the road conditions? What is at the end of that road? All these questions are taken into consideration before and during a trip. It's the same way with life. There's our way––the path we've chosen, or insist upon taking because we think it's best––and there's God's Way. As we finish up our Summer in the Psalms this week we'll look at Psalm 1, which describes two ways––two ways to live life––two roads which are both traveled. We need to know about the roads––where they lead and which one to take. So if you're in town this Sunday I invite you to join us as we discover what Psalm 1 has to say about our way and God's way.


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