
Unwilling To Let Go

Unwilling To Let Go

Mar 09, 2025

Passage: Matthew 15:29-39

Preacher: Rob Holster

Series: Gospel of the Kingdom


This week we're finishing up Matthew chapter 15. Two weeks ago we looked at the faith of a Canaanite woman, who had an authentic conversation with Jesus. It was real and honest. The woman was honest with him and she was honest with herself. It's with the same attitude we should approach Jesus. Her faith was amazing––it was real––and she was a Gentile––a pagan. It was unexpected. But that's what we find with Jesus. He often answers our prayers in unexpected ways. Several weeks ago––in chapter 14 we saw Jesus feeding the 5,000––again––a totally unexpected way to provide for so many people. This week we find him feeding the 4,000. A similar story, but not the same. This was a distinct miracle. One of the reasons it was unique is because the crowd he fed was also unexpected––they were a bunch of Gentiles. And through this story of Jesus doing the unexpected––to an unlikely people––we're going to focus on his unwillingness to let them go. I think that's an important concept to remember as we live out the Christian life. It's not about us holding on to Him, it's the fact that He holds us, and is unwilling to let go.


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