
Walking On Water

Walking On Water

Feb 09, 2025

Passage: Matthew 14:22-36

Preacher: Rob Holster

Series: Gospel of the Kingdom


We're back in Matthew 14 this week and we're going to see Jesus moving from the desolate area where he miraculously fed the 5,000 back to the Sea of Galilee. He doesn't allow the disciples to remain in that place where he fed so many people––and they still have no answer for how it happened. They just had time to gather the leftovers and send the crowds away. He then insists that they get back into the boat and cross to the other side. In other words, they had only come there to that desolate place to see God perform a miracle––they came to see the compassion, the sufficiency, and the provision of God through Jesus. Now they were headed back. But even that boat ride was going to be a lesson in faith. Jesus was not finished showing them who He is. He went off to pray by himself and sent the disciples away in the boat. And later he would catch up with them––only he did it by walking on water. Impossible, right? Right, but not for God.


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