
What Faith Looks Like

What Faith Looks Like

May 19, 2024

Passage: Matthew 9:1-8

Preacher: Rob Holster

Series: Gospel Greatest Hits


As we move from Matthew 8 to Matthew 9 this week, we find Jesus healing again. That was a vital part of his ministry. As with his calming the storm and driving out demons––He is demonstrating his power and ability and authority. So his healing of a paralytic at the beginning of chapter 9 is no surprise––and no different in its purpose. In the passage we'll cover Sunday it is more emphatic, however. He's makes in clear that he has the authority to forgive sins, which is a really big deal. It wasn't just a big deal for the people who witnessed this miracle––but it's a big deal for us, too. Because it means Jesus can forgive our sins as well. His healing ministry back in the first century––was a demonstration of His ability to change us––in the 21st century. It's a demonstration of his ability to give us new life. So we'll focus on that, but we'll also discover what faith looks like. At the beginning of the passage, it says Jesus saw the faith of those who brought the paralytic to him. He 'saw' their faith.


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